
Experimental studies on mobile communications

  1. 749研究
  2. 571研究
  3. 514研究
  4. 225研究
  5. 206研究
  6. 118研究

DNA, proteins, and oxidative stress

  1. 312研究
  2. 199研究
  3. 123研究
  4. 42研究
Authors Year Exposed system Endpoints Frequency range SAR Exposure duration Parameters
Cao H et al. 2015 動物, rat/Sprague-Dawley, 全身 circadian concentration of melatonin, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in blood 1.8 GHz 0.05653 W/kg continuous for 2 h/day for 32 days 携帯電話, 移動体通信システム
Lixia S et al. 2006 無傷細胞/細胞培養, SRA01/04-hLEC (human eye lens epithelial cells) comet assay, stress response/gene expression, cell proliferation 1.8 GHz 1–3 W/kg continuous for 2 h デジタル携帯電話, GSM, TDMA, 移動体通信システム
Lee JS et al. 2016 無傷細胞/細胞培養, HT22 (mouse hippocampus neuronal cells) cytotoxicity 837–1,950 MHz 2 W/kg continuous for 2 hours 携帯電話, CDMA, W-CDMA, 移動体通信システム, 非EMF, 共ばく露
Meral I et al. 2007 動物, guinea pig, 全身 different blood vitamin levels, oxidative stress in the brain 890–915 MHz 0.95 W/kg continuous for 12 h/day (11 h 45 min stand-by mode, 15 min speaking mode) on 30 days 移動体通信システム, 携帯電話, RF
Fasseas MK et al. 2015 無脊椎動物, nematode (<i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i>)/N2 (wild type), DR1572, DR26, TK22, CL4176, NL5901, RB864, CL2070 (<i>hsp-16.2</i>), CF1553 (<i>sod-3</i>), SJ4005 (<i>hsp-4</i>), LG333 (<i>skn-1</i>), LD1171 (<i>gcs-1</i>) and CL2166 (<i>gst-4</i>) effects on fertility, neurodegeneration, short-term memory, chemotaxis, stress, apoptosis, life span and growth of <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i> 1,780–1,800 MHz - continuous for 0.5, 1, 3, 6 or 24 h 携帯電話, GSM, 移動体通信システム, PW パルス波, DECT, W-LAN/WiFi
Kumari K et al. 2012 動物, rat/Wistar, 全身 effects on liver: oxidative stress and liver values 900 MHz 0.15 W/kg continuous for 2 hours/day for 35 days 携帯電話, GSM, 移動体通信システム, マイクロ波, 2.45 GHz
Balci M et al. 2007 動物, rat/Wistar albino, 全身 effects on oxidant/antioxidant balance in cornea and eye lens 900 MHz 1.2 W/kg intermittent, 4 x 10 min/day, for 4 weeks デジタル携帯電話, GSM, 移動体通信システム
Aydogan F et al. 2015 動物, rat/ Wistar albino, 全身 effects on parotid gland of rats 2,100 MHz 0.4 W/kg continuous for 6 h/d on 5 d/week for 10 days 携帯電話, UMTS, 移動体通信システム
Soran ML et al. 2014 植物, parsley (<i>Petroselinum crispum</i>), dill (<i>Anethum graveolens</i>), celery (<i>Apium graveolens</i>), 全身 effects on plants: leaf anatomy, etheric oil content and volatile emissions 860–910 MHz - continuous for 3 weeks GSM, 移動体通信システム, W-LAN/WiFi
Singh HP et al. 2012 植物, mung bean (<i>Vigna radiata</i>)/Wilczek, hypocotyls effects on plants: root growth (rhizogenesis) and oxidative stress 900 MHz - continuous for 0.5, 1, 2 h 携帯電話, GSM, 移動体通信システム