研究のタイプ: 疫学研究 (observational study)

[高齢のメキシコ系アメリカ人における重度認知機能障害と超低周波磁界の職業ばく露] epidem.

Severe cognitive dysfunction and occupational extremely low frequency magnetic field exposure among elderly Mexican Americans

掲載誌: Br J Med Med Res 2014; 4 (8): 1641-1662


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A population-based cohort study was conducted in the USA to investigate the association between severe cognitive dysfunction and occupational extremely low frequency magnetic field exposure among elderly Mexican Americans.


A Mini-Mental State Exam score below 10 was used to define cognitive dysfunction.


リスク推定のタイプ: (オッズ比(OR))




グループ 説明
参照集団 1 average occupational magnetic field exposure < 0.2 or intermittently < 1 µT: low
集団 2 average occupational magnetic field exposure between 0.2 and 1 µT or intermittently > 1 µT: medium
集団 3 average occupational magnetic field exposure > 1 µT or intermittently > 10 µT: high



参加者 3,050
参加率 85 %
評価可能 2,844


Overall 91.8% of the study participants hat a low occupational magnetic field exposure, 4.7% a medium exposure and 3.5% a high exposure. About 1.7% of 2873 subjects with a Mini-Mental State Exam had a MMSE score below 10.
Significant increased risks for severe cognitive dysfunction were observed for high (group 2: OR 3.4, CI 1.3-8.9) and for 'medium or high' occupational magnetic field exposure (groups 2 + 3: OR 1.7, CI 0.7-4.1). Interaction between occupational magnetic field exposure and other possible risk factors were investigated. The results showed that the interactions between 'medium or high' or high occupational MF exposure and smoking history or age group were statistically significant, depending upon whether two (65-74, 75+) or three (65-74, 75-84, 85+) age groups were considered, respectively.
The authors conclude that working in an occupation with high or 'medium or high' magnetic field exposure may increase the risk of severe cognitive dysfunction. Smoking and older age may increase the deleterious effect of occupational magnetic field exposure.

