研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[1439 MHzパルスTDMA電磁界への短期ばく露はラットにおけるメラトニン生成に影響しない] med./bio.

Short term exposure to 1439 MHz pulsed TDMA field does not alter melatonin synthesis in rats

掲載誌: Bioelectromagnetics 2005; 26 (1): 49-53

この研究は、1439 MHz時分割多元接続(TDMA電磁界EMF)への短期ばく露ラットメラトニン合成に影響するか否かを調べた。ラットの脳の平均SARは7.5 W / kg、全身平均SARは、オスおよびメスのラットそれぞれで1.9および2.0 W / kgであった。合計208匹のオスおよびメスのラットを用いた。12時間の明暗サイクルに順応させた後、暗条件(1 lux未満)において、血清および松果体メラトニンレベル、および松果体セロトニンレベルを放射免疫アッセイで測定した。その結果、メラトニンおよびセロトニンのレベルについての有意な差は、ばく露群、擬似ばく露群、およびケージ対照群の間で観察されなかった;実験に用いた1439 MHz TDMA EMFばく露のレベルは携帯電話放射よりも約4倍強かったが、ラットメラトニンおよびセロトニン合成を変化させないことが示された、と報告している。

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To clarify the effects on melatonin synthesis in rats after short-term exposure to a 1439 MHz TDMA (time division multiple access) electromagnetic field.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 1,439 MHz
Modulation type: pulsed
ばく露時間: continuous for 4 h
  • SAR: 7.5 W/kg average over mass (brain)
  • SAR: 2 W/kg average over mass (whole body) (for the female (283 g))
  • SAR: 1.9 W/kg average over mass (whole body) (for the male (370 g))


周波数 1,439 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 4 h
Modulation type pulsed
Pulse width 6.7 ms
Duty cycle 33.3 %
Repetition frequency 50 Hz
Additional information

TDMA signal for a PDC (Personal Digital Cellular) system

ばく露装置の詳細 The carousel type exposure system (already used in the reference article) consisted of a small anechoic chamber, a round table with eight tubes, where rats were kept, and a quarter-wavelength monopole antenna on the metal floor.
Additional information The rats were divided into four groups: exposure, sham, cage control, and light control (LC) group. Rats in the sham group were placed in the exposure system without TDMA exposure. Those in the cage control group were not placed in the exposure system. Those in the LC group (positive control) were exposed on the last day to the light condition (400 lux) until measurement.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
SAR 7.5 W/kg average over mass 測定値および計算値 brain -
SAR 2 W/kg average over mass 測定値および計算値 whole body for the female (283 g)
SAR 1.9 W/kg average over mass 測定値および計算値 whole body for the male (370 g)

Reference articles


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • pineal gland, blood
  • ばく露後


No significant differences in melatonin and serotonin levels were revealed between the exposure, sham, and cage control groups. These data suggest that short-term exposure to a 1439 MHz TDMA electromagnetic field, which is about four times stronger than that emitted by mobile phones, does not alter melatonin and serotonin synthesis in rats.


