研究のタイプ: 疫学研究 (observational study)

[132 kVの変電所でばく露を受けた電力会社作業員におけるメラトニンレベルおよび酸化ストレスに対する超低周波電磁界の潜在的な生体影響] epidem.

The Potential Bioeffects of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Melatonin Levels & Related Oxidative Stress in Electric Utility Workers Exposed to 132 kV Substation

掲載誌: J Electromagn Anal 2013; 5 (11): 393-403

この研究は、インドのハイデラバードにある132 kV高圧変電所で職業的に超低周波磁界ばく露した調査対象者(n=142)および彼らと年齢社会経済的状態をマッチさせた対照者(n=151)におけるメラトニンレベルおよび酸化ストレスのバイオマーカを調べた。調査対象者は、職種によって、低(管理)、中(保守)、高(活線作業)ばく露群に分類した。その結果、高ばく露群において、血漿中のメラトニンレベルが有意に低下していた;全てのばく露群で、血漿マロンジアルデヒドおよび一酸化窒素のレベルが有意に上昇していた、と報告している。

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A study was conducted in India to investigate the melatonin levels and oxidative stress parameters in electric utility workers with exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields.


Further results on this study population are published in Tiwari et al (2015).
A blood sample for determining melatonin level and other blood parameters was collected in the morning between 9 AM to 10 AM from each study participant.





グループ 説明
参照集団 1 occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields: no
集団 2 occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields: yes
集団 3 duration of occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields: 1 - 4 years
集団 4 duration of occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields: 5 - 12 years
集団 5 duration of occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields: 13 - 28 years
集団 6 daily duration of occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields: 1 - 3 hours/day
集団 7 daily duration of occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields: 3 - 6 hours/day
集団 8 daily duration of occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields: 6 - 9 hours/day
集団 9 exposure based on job titles: low (e.g. administrative workers)
集団 10 exposure based on job titles: medium (e.g. maintenance workers)
集団 11 exposure based on job titles: high (e.g. live-line workers)



合計 142


The measured mean occupational magnetic field strength in the 132 kV substation at Hyderabad, India was 3.5 µT (SD ± 2.01), while environmental non-occupational exposure was 0.0015 µT (SD ± 0.001). The electric utility workers were exposed for a mean duration of 9.27 (±7.23) years at an average of 9 h per day.
The plasma melatonin level was significantly decreased in high exposed workers (group 11) when compared to the low and medium exposed groups (groups 9 and 10). The lipid peroxidation and nitric oxide levels were significantly increased in all exposed subjects (group 2) in comparison to the control group (group 1). The enzyme activities of antioxidative enzymes of exposed workers (group 2) were significantly lowered when compared to the control group (group 1).

