研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[全脳虚血されたスナネズミにおける海馬ニューロンおよびグリア細胞の交流磁界への応答] med./bio.

Response of hippocampal neurons and glial cells to alternating magnetic field in gerbils submitted to global cerebral ischemia

掲載誌: Neurotox Res 2013; 23 (1): 79-91

この研究は、モンゴルスナネズミを用いた実験で、超低周波磁界(ELF-MF、50 Hz)へのばく露が、海馬における虚血損傷の結果に影響を与えるか否かを調べた。スナネズミに両側頸動脈閉塞処置(10分間)を行った後、再灌流を開始すると同時に、ELF-MFばく露(ケージ中心部に誘導される平均磁束密度は0.5 mT)を開始し、7日間継続してばく露を実施した。ELF-MFの影響は、ばく露終了の直後(再灌流後7日目)および7日後(再灌流後14日目)に調査した。立体的方法を用いて海馬の変化を組織学的に評価し、海馬の体積、変性したニューロンおよび星状細胞の体積密度、ならびに単位面積あたりのミクログリア細胞の数を決定した。その結果、ELF-MFばく露のみでは、形態学的変化を誘発しなかった;また、予想された通り、10分間の全脳虚血は、特に海馬のCA1領域で神経細胞死を引き起こした;ELF-MFばく露を受けた虚血性スナネズミでは、ばく露を受けない虚血性スナネズミに比べ、再灌流後7日目において、検査した脳構造での細胞喪失の程度が有意に低く、星状細胞およびミクログリア細胞の応答が有意に大きかった(ELF-MFの即時効果);再灌流後14日目にも同様の反応が観察された(ELF-MFの遅発性効果)が、測定されたパラメータの差は小さく、有意ではなかった、と報告している。

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To investigate whether exposure to an extremely low-frequency magnetic field affects the outcome of post-ischemic damage in the hippocampus of Mongolian gerbils.


Cerebral ischemia was induced by surgical occlusion of both common carotid arteries for 10 min. Adult (3-month-old) male gerbils were divided into six groups: 1.) intact controls (n=3), 2.) sham operated (n=6), 3.) sham exposure (n=6), 4.) exposure (n=9), 5.) ischemia + sham exposure (n=9), and 6.) ischemia + exposure (n=9). All groups were subdivided into two groups and histological analyses were performed immediately at the end of exposure (on day 7) and 7 days after cessation of exposure (on day 14), respectively.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 50 Hz
ばく露時間: continuous for 7 days

General information

Animals were divided into the following groups: i) intact controls ii) sham operated iii) sham exposure iv) exposure v) ischemia + sham exposure vi) ischemia + exposure


周波数 50 Hz
  • magnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 7 days
  • electromagnet
ばく露装置の詳細 two 26 cm x 43 cm x 15 cm cages with 3 - 4 animals placed at either side of the electromagnet so that the cage's center was at 20 cm distance from it
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
磁束密度 2 mT maximum 測定値 - 0.2 - 2.0 mT
磁束密度 0.5 mT average over time 測定値 - at the cage's center

Reference articles


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


Exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields alone did not induce any morphological changes in the hippocampus, while 10-min global cerebral ischemia led to neuronal death, especially in the CA1 region of the hippocampus.
Ischemic gerbils exposed to extremely low frequency magnetic fields (group 6) had a significantly lower degree of cell loss in the hippocampus and greater responses of astrocytes and microglial cells than post-ischemic gerbils with shamexposure (group 5) at the end of the 7-day exposure period. A similar response was observed on the seventh day after cessation of exposure (day 14, delayed effect); however, differences were low and the results statistically non-significant.
The authors conclude that exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields has possible neuroprotective function in the hippocampus, as the most sensitive brain structure in the model of global cerebral ischemia, through reduction of neuronal death and activation of astrocytes and microglial cells.


