研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[無線周波放射にばく露されたヒト血液リンパ球での適応応答の誘導] med./bio.

Induction of adaptive response in human blood lymphocytes exposed to radiofrequency radiation

掲載誌: Radiat Res 2009; 171 (6): 735-742

この研究は、5人の異なるボランティアから採取された末梢血リンパ球を用いて、無線周波RF電磁放射への適応応答が誘導されるか否かを、小核出現頻度を指標に評価した。フィトヘマグルチニンで24時間刺激した後、細胞にモバイル通信に使用される900 MHz RF電磁放射適応ドース(ピークSARが10 W / kg)への20時間ばく露を与えた。48時間後に遺伝毒性ドース(100 ng / ml)のマイトマイシンCの1回投与を行い、72時間後にリンパ球を収集し、細胞質分裂ブロック小核アッセイで、二核細胞の小核頻度を調べた。その結果、4人のドナーから採取された細胞適応応答の誘導を示した(すなわち、この4人は応答者であった);900 MHz RFの事前ばく露を受けたリンパ球は、900 MHz RFの事前ばく露を受けなかったリンパ球に比べ、マイトマイシンCのチャレンジドースによって誘導された小核頻度が有意に低下した;残りの1人ドナー(すなわち、非応答者)では適応応答の誘導は観察されなかった;マイトマイシンCのチャレンジドースによって誘発された小核頻度は、900 MHz RFの事前ばく露の有無による有意差を示さなかった;したがって、全体的なデータは、RFばく露によるヒトでの適応応答の誘導には不均一性があることを示した、と報告している。

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To study whether non-ionizing radiofrequency exposure, given as an adaptation dose for 20 h, renders the cells refractory to the genetic damage induced by a subsequent challenge dose with the genotoxic agent mitomycin C.


Adaptive response: Different cell types that were exposed to an extremely small adaptation dose of a genotoxic agent were found to be less susceptible to the induction of genetic damage when given a higher challenge dose of the same or similar genotoxic agent. The induction of an adaptive response was shown to be influenced by several factors (e.g. the dose used for adaptation, the dose rate, the time between the adaptation and challenge doses).
Lymphocytes of five different donors were investigated.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 900 MHz
ばく露時間: continuous for 20 h
  • SAR: 10 W/kg peak
  • SAR: 1.25 W/kg average over mass


周波数 900 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 20 h
  • wire patch cell
ばく露装置の詳細 wire patch cell shielded by a metal grid box, placed inside an incubator
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
SAR 10 W/kg peak 測定値および計算値 - -
SAR 1.25 W/kg average over mass 測定値および計算値 - -

Reference articles

  • Palumbo R et al. (2008): [900 MHz無線周波放射へのばく露は増殖活動中のヒトリンパ球にカスパーゼ3活性化を誘導する]
  • Scarfi MR et al. (2006): [ラジオ周波数照射(900 MHz, GMSシグナル)はヒト末梢血リンパ球での小核形成頻度ならびに細胞増殖に影響しない:実験室間研究]


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


Lymphocytes of four donors exhibited the induction of an adaptive response. Cells that were pre-exposed to 900 MHz radiofrequency irradiation had a significantly decreased incidence of micronuclei induced by the challenge dose of mitomycin C compared to those that were not pre-exposed to 900 MHz radiofrequency irradiation. However, induction of the adaptive response was not observed in the remaining fifth donor. The incidence of micronuclei induced by the challenge dose of mitomycin C was not significantly different between the pre-exposed and unexposed lymphocytes.
In conclusion, the data obtained in this preliminary investigation indicated that radiofrequency exposure at a frequency in use for wireless communications are capable of inducing an adaptive response in human blood lymphocytes. Further research is needed regarding whether an adaptive response can be elicited in other in vitro and in vivo experimental conditions (including various frequencies, different SAR values, timing of adaptation etc.).


