研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[13.56MHzの無線周波エネルギーへ長時間ばく露したAS-1赤血球および全血由来血小板に急性の有害なイン・ビトロ影響は見られず] med./bio.

Absence of acute adverse in-vitro effects on AS-1 RBCs and whole blood-derived platelets following prolonged exposure to 13.56 MHz radio energy

掲載誌: Transfusion 2010; 50 (7) Pt 2: 1596-1603

この研究は、サプライチェーンでの血液製剤の追跡に利用されている無線周波自動識別(RFID)技術を背景として、13.56 MHz RFの極端なばく露条件下で、RBCおよび全血由来血小板(WBDP)に対する温度および生物学的な影響を評価した。FDA承認プロトコルを用いて、RBCおよびWBDPの試料に約100 WのRFエネルギーへの長時間(23 - 25時間)ばく露ワーストケースを想定)を与える実験を、反復して3回実施した。その結果、ばく露後の溶血は、ばく露群および対照群のRBC試料においてそれぞれ0.09 %および0.05 %であり、FDA承認の許容限度値 ≦ 1 % 以内であった;ばく露後のWBDP試料の平均pH値は、ばく露群および対照群でそれぞれ7.27および7.19であり、FDA承認の許容限度値 ≧ 6.2を十分に上回っていた;さらに、RBCおよびWBDPの血液製品の細胞分解に検出可能な加速はなかった;最小限の温度上昇はあったが、ばく露群および対照群の間の相対的な温度上昇が1.5 ℃の許容限度値を上回ることは一度もなかった;13.56 MHz RFIDの通常の動作条件でRFエネルギーばく露(最大4 W、連続しない約20分間)を受けた血液製剤への温度および生物学的な影響は起こりそうもない、と報告している。

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To study the temperature and biological effects of 13.56 MHz radiofrequency exposure on red blood cells and whole blood-derived platelets under extreme exposure conditions.


There is growing interest in radio frequency identification (RFID) technology application for tracking blood products to achieve higher productivity and safety in the transfusion medicine supply chain.
A FDA-approved protocol with specific criteria concerning e.g. hemolysis or pH value was used.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 13.56 MHz
ばく露時間: continuous for 7 h or 23 -25 h


周波数 13.56 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 7 h or 23 -25 h
ばく露装置の詳細 samples placed in the center of a 86 cm Helmholtz coil; magnetic field uniform within 1% in the exposure area; coil placed in a chamber made of Plexiglas laminates; positioned on a non-metallic, perforated test platform; exposure unit placed in a Faraday cage: Red blood cell products were tested in a walk-in refrigerator at a constant temperature of 1 - 6° C; whole blood-derived platelets products were tested in a temperature-controlled room at 20 - 24 °C
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
磁界強度 5 A/m - - - -
磁束密度 6.28 µT - - - -
電力 100 W - - - -


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露前
  • ばく露後


Hemolysis after 23-25 hours of very high radiofrequency energy exposure was 0.09% and 0.05%, respectively, for exposure and control red blood cell units and well within the ≤ 1% limit in the FDA-approved acceptance criteria.
For platelet units, the mean pH of exposure and control units was 7.27 and 7.19, respectively, following 23-25 hours of radiofrequency exposure, and well above the ≥ 6.2 acceptance limit value.
Furthermore, there was no detectable acceleration in cellular degradation of red blood cells and whole blood cell derived platelet products. While there was minimal temperature rise, the relative temperature increase between exposure and control units never exceeded the 1.5°C acceptance criterion.
In conclusion, 13.56 MHz-based RFID technology is unlikely to have any significant temperature or biological effects on red blood cells and whole blood cell derived platelet units under the normal operating conditions (a maximum of 4 W radiofrequency exposure for about 20 nonconsecutive minutes for RFID tracking during the life of the blood product).


