研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[UMTS基地局様ばく露、健康ならびに認知機能] med./bio.

UMTS base station-like exposure, well-being, and cognitive performance

掲載誌: Environ Health Perspect 2006; 114 (8): 1270-1275

この研究は、高周波電磁界への感受性の自己申告者および非申告者を被験者として、UMTS携帯電話基地局信号を模擬した電磁界へのばく露が、被験者の安寧および認知タスク遂行成績に与える影響を、無作為化、二重ブラインド化、クロスオーバーデザインされた3試験で評価した。3試験(電界強度0、1、または10 V / m)は、ばく露時間は45分間で、被験者の左後ろ側から45度の偏波を入射させた。3つの試験は1週間間隔で行われた。合計117人の健康被験者(自己申告者33人、非申告者84人)が試験に参加した。質問票調査認知タスクを用いて、幸福感、知覚された電界強度、および認知タスク遂行成績を評価し、線形混合モデルを用いた統計学的分析を実施した。不確かさ分析、変動分析を含め、臓器別および脳組織別のドシメトリも実施した。その結果、両群において、安寧および知覚された電界強度は実際のばく露レベルと関連しなかった;2つのわずかな影響を除き、ばく露条件による認知タスク遂行成績の変化に一貫性は観察されなかった;最近のオランダの研究とは対照的に、安寧に対するUMTS基地局電磁界ばく露の短期的な影響は確認できなかった;脳組織における空間ピーク吸収は、携帯電話使用中よりもかなり小さかった;携帯電話へのばく露による短期的な影響や、基地局のような長期的ばく露による人の健康への影響について、結論を出すことはできない、と報告している。

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To study the influence of an UMTS base station-like signal on well-being and cognitive performance in subjects with and without self-reported sensitivity to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.


The study was designed as a follow-up study to clarify the reliability of the so-called TNO study (see publication 12820).
117 healthy subjects (33 self-reported sensitive, 84 non-sensitive subjects) participated.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 2,140 MHz
ばく露時間: continuous for 45 min
  • 電界強度: 1 V/m unspecified
  • SAR: 6.2 µW/kg average over mass (whole body) (± 1.8 µW/kg and 41% uncertainty)
  • SAR: 150 µW/kg average over mass (10 g) (± 49 µW/kg and 39% uncertainty; peak value for whole body)
  • SAR: 320 µW/kg average over mass (1 g) (± 130 µW/kg and 41% uncertainty; peak value for whole body)
  • SAR: 11 µW/kg average over mass (brain) (± 2.4 µW/kg and 48% uncertainty)
  • SAR: 45 µW/kg average over mass (10 g) (± 13 µW/kg and 45% uncertainty; peak value for brain)
  • SAR: 73 µW/kg average over mass (1 g) (± 16 µW/kg and 44% uncertainty; peak value for brain)
ばく露2: 2,140 MHz
ばく露時間: continuous for 45 min
  • 電界強度: 10 V/m unspecified
  • SAR: 0.62 mW/kg average over mass (whole body) (± 0.18 mW/kg and 41% uncertainty)
  • SAR: 15 mW/kg average over mass (10 g) (± 4.9 mW/kg and 39% uncertainty; peak value for whole body)
  • SAR: 32 mW/kg average over mass (1 g) (± 13 mW/kg and 41% uncertainty; peak value for whole body)
  • SAR: 1.1 mW/kg average over mass (brain) (± 0.24 mW/kg and 48% uncertainty)
  • SAR: 4.5 mW/kg average over mass (10 g) (± 1.3 mW/kg and 45% uncertainty; peak value for brain)
  • SAR: 7.3 mW/kg average over mass (1 g) (± 1.6 mW/kg and 44% uncertainty; peak value for brain)


周波数 2,140 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
  • far field
ばく露時間 continuous for 45 min
  • commercial generator and UMTS antenna
Distance between exposed object and exposure source 2 m
チャンバの詳細 Exposure took place in two identical but separate rooms with constant temperature and light conditions. Each room included a one-side-open exposure chamber (2.45 m x 2.3 m x 2.14 m) shielded with RF absorbers on walls and ceiling.
ばく露装置の詳細 The antenna, tilted 45° from vertical, was located at a height of 1.5 m and a distance of 2 m from the subject. The antenna had a beam width of approximately 75° in horizontal and vertical directions, resulting in a uniform E-field distribution that was verified with a field probe. The electric field was incident with a polarization of 45° from the left back side of the subject, with an angle of 25° with respect to the ear-to-ear vertical plane.
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
Additional information Each subject attended three experimental sessions at 1-week intervals in a randomized, double-blind crossover design. Pairs of subjects were randomly assigned to one of six possible sequences of the three exposure conditions (sham, 1 V/m and 10 V/m).
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
電界強度 1 V/m unspecified 測定値 - -
SAR 6.2 µW/kg average over mass 計算値 whole body ± 1.8 µW/kg and 41% uncertainty
SAR 150 µW/kg average over mass 計算値 10 g ± 49 µW/kg and 39% uncertainty; peak value for whole body
SAR 320 µW/kg average over mass 計算値 1 g ± 130 µW/kg and 41% uncertainty; peak value for whole body
SAR 11 µW/kg average over mass 計算値 brain ± 2.4 µW/kg and 48% uncertainty
SAR 45 µW/kg average over mass 計算値 10 g ± 13 µW/kg and 45% uncertainty; peak value for brain
SAR 73 µW/kg average over mass 計算値 1 g ± 16 µW/kg and 44% uncertainty; peak value for brain


周波数 2,140 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
  • far field
ばく露時間 continuous for 45 min
  • E1と同じ装置
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
電界強度 10 V/m unspecified 測定値 - -
SAR 0.62 mW/kg average over mass 計算値 whole body ± 0.18 mW/kg and 41% uncertainty
SAR 15 mW/kg average over mass 計算値 10 g ± 4.9 mW/kg and 39% uncertainty; peak value for whole body
SAR 32 mW/kg average over mass 計算値 1 g ± 13 mW/kg and 41% uncertainty; peak value for whole body
SAR 1.1 mW/kg average over mass 計算値 brain ± 0.24 mW/kg and 48% uncertainty
SAR 4.5 mW/kg average over mass 計算値 10 g ± 1.3 mW/kg and 45% uncertainty; peak value for brain
SAR 7.3 mW/kg average over mass 計算値 1 g ± 1.6 mW/kg and 44% uncertainty; peak value for brain

Reference articles

  • Zwamborn APM et al. (2003): [主観的愁訴のある人および無い人を被験者とした安寧および認知機能に対するGSM無線周波電磁界の影響]
  • Kuster N et al. (2000): [無線通信に関係した健康リスクに着目した生物実験のばく露装置の最低限必要な条件とガイドライン]


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露前
  • ばく露中
  • ばく露後


In both groups, well being and perceived field strength were not associated with actual exposure levels. No consistent condition-induced changes in cognitive performance except for two marginal effects were revealed: At 10 V/m, a slight effect on speed in one of six tasks in the sensitive subjects and an effect on accuracy in another task in non-sensitive subjects was found. Both effects disappeared after multiple endpoint adjustment.
In contrast to the previous study, the authors could not confirm a short-term effect of UMTS base station-like exposure on well being. The reported effects on brain functioning were marginal and may have occurred by chance.
Regarding the implications for public health due to widespread exposure in the living environment, no conclusions about long-term effects of UMTS base station-like electromagnetic fields can be drawn from this study, as only a short-term exposure was applied.


