研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[902MHz(GSM)および1747MHz(DCS)無線通信信号に遺伝毒性の可能性なし:B6C3F1マウスでのイン・ビボ2年間バイオアッセイ] med./bio.

Absence of genotoxic potential of 902 MHz (GSM) and 1747 MHz (DCS) wireless communication signals: In vivo two-year bioassay in B6C3F1 mice

掲載誌: Int J Radiat Biol 2009; 85 (5): 454-464

この研究は、移動体通信に使用される無線周波RF電磁界への慢性ばく露を受けたB6C3F1マウスの末梢血赤血球における小核発生率を調べた。「フェリスホイール」を使用して、チューブ拘束されたオスとメスのマウスに、GSM(902 MHz)またはDCS(1747 MHz)信号をシミュレートしたRF信号ばく露を与えた。RF信号のマウスでの全身平均SARの最大値は、0.4、1.3、4.0 W / kgで、2時間/日、5日/週で2年間マウスに与えた。実験は、ばく露群、擬似ばく露群、ケージ対照群、およびマイトマイシンC注射された陽性対照群で構成された。剖検して、末梢血塗抹標本を調製し、コード化された組織スライドを、メイ・グルンヴァルト・ギムザまたはアクリジンオレンジで染色した。小核発生率は、マウス毎に、2000個の多色性および2000個の正常色性赤血球で計測した。その結果、使用した染色/カウント方法に関係なく、RFばく露擬似ばく露、およびケージ対照の各群間で小核頻度に有意差はなかった;しかし、陽性対照群では、多色赤血球での小核発生率が有意に増加した;得られた知見は、2年間のばく露後のマウスにおけるRF誘発遺伝毒性を示さなかった、と報告している。

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To investigate the frequency of micronuclei (as marker for genetic damage) in peripheral blood erythrocytes of mice that had been chronically exposed to radiofrequencies used for mobile communication.


1170 mice (585 males) were randomized into exposure groups, sham exposure groups and a cage control. Two frequencies (GSM/ 902 MHz and DCS/1747 MHz) were investigated and exposure level varied from low, medium to high. In all experimental conditions 50 animals of each sex were investigated for a two-year period and evaluation of micronuclei was performed after on survivors only. After the two years 6 sentinel mice (3 males) were used as positive control: they were injected with mitomycin C.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 902 MHz
ばく露時間: continuous for 2 h/day, 5 days/weeks for 2 years (see also add. information for exp. setup)
  • SAR: 0.4 W/kg maximum (whole body) (low exposure group)
  • SAR: 1.3 W/kg maximum (whole body) (medium exposure group)
  • SAR: 4 W/kg maximum (whole body) (high exposure group)
  • SAR: 0.18 W/kg peak (partial body) (low exposure group)
  • SAR: 1.9 W/kg peak (partial body) (high exposure group)
ばく露2: 1,747 MHz
ばく露時間: continuous for 2 h/day, 5 days/weeks for 2 years (see also add. information for exp. setup)
  • SAR: 0.4 W/kg maximum (whole body) (low exposure group)
  • SAR: 1.3 W/kg maximum (whole body) (medium exposure group)
  • SAR: 4 W/kg maximum (whole body) (high exposure group)
  • SAR: 0.14 W/kg peak (partial body) (low exposure group)
  • SAR: 3.3 W/kg peak (partial body) (high exposure group)


周波数 902 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 2 h/day, 5 days/weeks for 2 years (see also add. information for exp. setup)
  • セルラ-電話
ばく露装置の詳細 two parallel circular stainless steel plates placed 117 mm apart with a conical antenna in their center and stainless steel posts forming a cylindrical cavity of 755 mm radius, whre mice were placed in plastic tubes
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
Additional information 2 h daily exposure devided into three phases: phase 1: DTX mode simulating continuous talking phase 2: GSM talk simulating a conversation, i.e. temporal switching between DTX and non-DTX mode phase 3: GSM environment = non-DTX, DTX, power control, handovers according to their statistical occurrence during a conversation
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
SAR 0.4 W/kg maximum - whole body low exposure group
SAR 1.3 W/kg maximum - whole body medium exposure group
SAR 4 W/kg maximum - whole body high exposure group
SAR 0.18 W/kg peak - partial body low exposure group
SAR 1.9 W/kg peak - partial body high exposure group


周波数 1,747 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 2 h/day, 5 days/weeks for 2 years (see also add. information for exp. setup)
  • セルラ-電話
ばく露装置の詳細 two parallel circular stainless steel plates placed 117 mm apart with a bi-conical antenna in their center and stainless steel posts forming a cylindrical cavity of 755 mm radius, whre mice were placed in plastic tubes
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
Additional information 2 h daily exposure devided into three phases: phase 1: DTX mode simulating continuous talking phase 2: GSM talk simulating a conversation, i.e. temporal switching between DTX and non-DTX mode phase 3: GSM environment = non-DTX, DTX, power control, handovers according to their statistical occurrence during a conversation
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
SAR 0.4 W/kg maximum - whole body low exposure group
SAR 1.3 W/kg maximum - whole body medium exposure group
SAR 4 W/kg maximum - whole body high exposure group
SAR 0.14 W/kg peak - partial body low exposure group
SAR 3.3 W/kg peak - partial body high exposure group

Reference articles


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


The average number of survivors analyzed per treatment group was 39. There were no significant differences in the frequency of micronuclei between radiofrequency-exposed, sham-exposed, and cage control mice, irrespective of the staining/counting method used. Micronuclei were significantly increased in polychromatic and normochromatic erythrocytes of the positive control mice.
The data did not indicate radiofrequency-induced genotoxicity in mice after two years of exposure.


