研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[超低周波磁界(ELF-MF)ばく露はSH-SY5Y細胞のパーキンソン病誘発性毒素MPPへの感受性を高める] med./bio.

Extremely low frequency magnetic field (ELF-MF) exposure sensitizes SH-SY5Y cells to the pro-Parkinson's disease toxin MPP+

掲載誌: Mol Neurobiol 2016; 53 (6): 4247-4260

この研究は、安定、一様な超低周波磁界(ELF-MF:50 Hz, 1 mT)への長期ばく露が可能な装置で実験した結果として、ELF-MFばく露は、増殖中のSH-SY5Y細胞および分化したSH-SY5Y細胞の両方において、生存率、形状や形態に影響を及ぼさなかったが、酸化還元ホメオスターシスおよびチオール含有量を著しく損なった;したがってELF-MFにばく露したSH-SY5Y細胞では、活性酸素種レベル上昇・酸化損傷の強化・アポトーシス誘導が原因となって、パーキンソン病誘発毒素MPPの毒性が高度に増強された、と報告している。

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The effects of exposure of human neuroblastoma cells to a 50 Hz magnetic field on the potency of the pro-Parkinson's disease toxin MPP+ should be investigated.


Parkinson's disease can be caused by genetic as well as environmental factors, like the MPP+ toxin. MPP+ (1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium) creates oxidative stress in dopaminergic neurons in the brain leading to apoptosis and neuronal loss. Extremely low frequency magnetic fields could be a potential (synergistic) environmental factor.
Neuroblastoma cells were either differentiated into a dopaminergic phenotype 24 hours prior to the exposure or kept in an undifferentiated state. They were then exposed to the magnetic field for 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, 48 h or 72 h with or without the addition of acetylcysteine or reduced glutathione ethyl ester (both antioxidants). In the MPP+ tests, MPP+ was added after 24 hours of exposure (concentrations in medium of 0.1 - 5 mM) and then the cells were incubated for 6 h or 24 h without exposure. To investigate recovery effects, MPP+ was removed after 24 h in one approach and cells were investigated after further 24 hours of incubation without exposure. For each exposure condition, a separate sham exposure was conducted.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 50 Hz
ばく露時間: continuous for 6, 12, 24, 48 oder 72 hours
  • 磁束密度: 1 mT effective value
  • 電界強度: 0.5 mV/m effective value (e:induced field within the culture samples d:induziertes Feld in den Zellkultur-Proben)
ばく露2: 50 Hz
ばく露時間: continuous for 24 hours
MPP+ tests
  • 磁束密度: 1 mT effective value
  • 電界強度: 0.5 mV/m effective value (e:induced field within the culture samples d:induziertes Feld in den Zellkultur-Proben)


周波数 50 Hz
  • magnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 6, 12, 24, 48 oder 72 hours
チャンバの詳細 60 mm petri dishes in incubator
ばく露装置の詳細 two Helmholtz coils (side length of 38 cm, placed 12 cm apart, coil section was square with a side of 2 cm and composed of 25 cable turns, each cable was made of copper with two wires with a diameter of 2.5 mm) provided a homogeneous magnetic field; temperature in samples was maintained at 37 ± 0.2°C; applied current of coils was 3.4 A; petri dishes were positioned in two stacks of five dishes each (4 ml sample per dish), placed with their bottom layer parallel to the magnetic field direction
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
Additional information coil double wire configuration was used for sham exposure, to obtain a zero B-field, using currents flowing in opposite directions; temperature in sham exposure samples was maintained at 37 ± 0.2°C
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
磁束密度 1 mT effective value 測定値 - -
電界強度 0.5 mV/m effective value 計算値 - e:induced field within the culture samples d:induziertes Feld in den Zellkultur-Proben


周波数 50 Hz
  • magnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 24 hours
Additional information MPP+ tests
  • E1と同じ装置
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
磁束密度 1 mT effective value 測定値 - -
電界強度 0.5 mV/m effective value 計算値 - e:induced field within the culture samples d:induziertes Feld in den Zellkultur-Proben

Reference articles


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露前
  • ばく露中
  • ばく露後


Exposure to the magnetic field alone had no significant effect on cell viability, proliferation, morphology or apoptosis in comparison to the sham exposure. However, the amount of reactive oxygen species and carbonyl proteins was significantly increased and the amount of thiols significantly reduced in exposed cells compared to sham exposed cells.
Even in low concentrations, the toxicity of MPP+ was enhanced by exposure to the magnetic field. A significantly decreased viability and proliferation and a significantly increased amount of reactive oxygen species and carbonyl proteins as well as significantly more apoptotic cells were found in exposed cells treated with MPP+ compared to sham exposed cells with MPP+. No recovery effects were observed.
Addition of the antioxidants acetylcysteine and glutathione ethyl ester significantly reduced the amount of reactive oxygen species and apoptosis in exposed cells with MPP+ compared to exposed cells with MPP+ without these antioxidants.
The authors conclude that exposure of human neuroblastoma cells to a 50 Hz magnetic field might induce oxidative stress and thus enhance the potency of the pro-Parkinson's disease toxin MPP+.


