研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[2.45 GHz無線機器はヒト白血病がん細胞において酸化ストレスと細胞質でのCa2+流出による増殖を生じる] med./bio.

2.45-Gz wireless devices induce oxidative stress and proliferation through cytosolic Ca(2+) influx in human leukemia cancer cells

掲載誌: Int J Radiat Biol 2012; 88 (6): 449-456

この細胞実験研究は、ヒト白血病細胞(HL-60)を一定濃度で8個のフラスコ(250 ml, 75 cm2)に入れ、それを対照群C1、C2、C12、C24、電磁界ばく露群EMR1、EMR2、EMR12、EMR24とした実験を6回繰り返した。EMR各群は半波長モノポールアンテナを用いて、217Hzでパルス化した2.45GHzを1、2、12、24時間照射した。フラスコ液面での平均のSARが0.1 W/kgとなるようにフラスコ周辺の電界強度を調整した。その結果、細胞質のCa2+流出を通して増殖効果、および酸化ストレスの上昇が見られたと報告している。

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To determine the effects of a 2.45 GHz exposure on the antioxidant system, calcium ion signal transmission, cell count and cell viability in human leukemia cells.


The cell cultures were equally divided into two groups (control and exposure group) and then subdivided into four different subgroups depending on the duration of exposure (1, 2, 12 and 24 hours). The study protocol was repeated six times for every time of exposure.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 2.45 GHz
Modulation type: pulsed
ばく露時間: continuous for 1, 2, 12 or 24 h
  • 電力: 2 W maximum
  • SAR: 0.1 W/kg spatial average (on top of the flasks' surface at E = 10 V/m d: an der Flaschenoberfläche bei)
  • SAR: 1.3 W/kg spatial average (on the flasks' surface at an antenna distance of 17 and 18 cm (samples 3, 4 and 6))
  • SAR: 1.5 W/kg spatial average (on the flasks' surface at an antenna distance of 15 cm (sample 5))
  • SAR: 1.9 W/kg spatial average (on the flasks' surface at an antenna distance of 12 cm (sample 1))
  • SAR: 2.5 W/kg spatial average (on the flasks' surface at an antenna distance of 9 cm (sample 2))


周波数 2.45 GHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 1, 2, 12 or 24 h
Modulation type pulsed
Repetition frequency 217 Hz
  • モノポール
ばく露装置の詳細 half-wave monopole antenna placed between two PVC water bathes; each water bath contained eight sterile 250 ml flasks placed equidistant in two rows (Figure shows only 6 flasks; remark EMF-Portal); exposure device placed on a wooden table
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
電力 2 W maximum - - -
SAR 0.1 W/kg spatial average 計算値 - on top of the flasks' surface at E = 10 V/m d: an der Flaschenoberfläche bei
SAR 1.3 W/kg spatial average 計算値 - on the flasks' surface at an antenna distance of 17 and 18 cm (samples 3, 4 and 6)
SAR 1.5 W/kg spatial average 計算値 - on the flasks' surface at an antenna distance of 15 cm (sample 5)
SAR 1.9 W/kg spatial average 計算値 - on the flasks' surface at an antenna distance of 12 cm (sample 1)
SAR 2.5 W/kg spatial average 計算値 - on the flasks' surface at an antenna distance of 9 cm (sample 2)

Reference articles

  • Naziroglu M et al. (2012): [メラトニンはラットの脳及び後根神経節におけるTRPM2及び電位依存性Ca2+チャネルを通じて無線(2.45 GHz)誘導性の酸化的損傷を調節する]
  • Naziroglu M et al. (2009): [ラットの脳内における無線機器(2.45 GHz)由来の酸化ストレス及び脳電図記録にL-カルニチン及びセレンが及ぼす変調作用]
  • Gumral N et al. (2009): [無線装置からの2.45GHz放射によるラット血液中の酸化ストレスに対するセレンおよびL-カルニチンの効果]


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


The values of the lipid peroxidation were significantly higher in the exposed samples in comparison to the control samples at the same experimental times (at 1, 2, 12 and 24 h, respectively). The values of glutathione peroxidase, reduced glutathione and vitamin C did not show any statistically significant changes among the groups.
The cytosolic calcium concentration increased over the time in all groups, with the highest values after 24 hours. However, in the exposed samples, the concentrations of calcium ions were significantly higher than those in the control samples after the same experimental period. An addition of the TRPM2 channel blocker 2-APB to the exposed samples yielded in a decreased calcium concentration in comparison to the control and to the exposed samples without 2-APB at every experimental time.
The cell numbers were significantly higher in the exposed groups than in the control groups.
The authors conclude that a 2,45 GHz exposure could increase the cell proliferation in human leukemia cells, probably induced through cytosolic calcium release and oxidative stress.


