研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[マウスの脳における酸化ストレスおよび記憶に対するアルミニウムおよび超低周波電磁放射の影響] med./bio.

Effects of aluminum and extremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation on oxidative stress and memory in brain of mice

掲載誌: Biol Trace Elem Res 2013; 156 (1-3): 243-252

この研究は、SPFのKunmingマウスの酸化ストレスおよび記憶に対するアルミニウムおよび超低周波磁界(ELF- MF)の影響を調べた。各群15匹の4群で実験した:対照群、ELF-MF群(2 mT、4時間/日)、アルミニウム投与群(200 mg /kg)、ELF-MF+アルミニウム投与群。アルミニウム水溶液投与または生理食塩水投与(対照群、ELF-MF群)ならびにEMFばく露は、6日/週、8週間継続した。その結果、ELF-MF群、アルミニウム投与群、ELF-MF+アルミニウム投与群では、モリス水迷路タスクでのプラットフォームへの避難までの時間の延長、4分割円形プールのプラットフォームが置かれた4分円の滞在率低下など学習記憶の低下が見られた;またこれらの群では、海馬および大脳皮質神経細胞消失やリン酸化タウタンパク質の過剰発現などの病理学異常が見られた;これらの群では、スーパーオキシドジムスターゼ活性低下、マロンジアルデヒドのレベル上昇が有意であった;しかし、ELF-MF+アルミニウム投与群で見られた影響はELF-MFまたはアルミニウム単独群より大きくはなかった、と報告している。

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To study the synergistic effect of aluminum and extremely low-frequency magnetic fields on oxidative stress and memory in mice.


60 male mice were divided randomly into four groups: 1) control group, 2) extremely low frequency-magnetic field group, 3) load aluminum group (200 mg aluminum/kg), and 4) "extremely low frequency-magnetic field + aluminum" group.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 50 Hz
ばく露時間: 4 h daily, 6 days per week for 8 weeks

General information

60 male mice were divided into four groups: 1) control group 2) extremely low frequency-magnetic field group 3) load aluminum group (200 mg aluminum/kg) 4) "extremely low frequency-magnetic field + aluminum" group


周波数 50 Hz
  • magnetic field
  • sinusoidal
ばく露時間 4 h daily, 6 days per week for 8 weeks
チャンバの詳細 the animal cage was placed inside the coil and remained constant during the stimulation
ばく露装置の詳細 Helmholtz coil composed of copper wire
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
磁束密度 2 mT spatial average 測定値 - -


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


After 8 weeks of treatment, the mice of the three experimental groups (groups 2-4) exhibited a memory impairment (escaping latency to the platform was prolonged and percentage of time spent in the platform quadrant was reduced in the Morris water maze task). Additionally, pathologic abnormalities including neuronal cell loss and overexpression of phosphorylated tau protein in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex was found in the three experimental groups. The data showed a statistically significant decrease in superoxide dismutase activity and an increase in the levels of malondialdehyde in the three experimental groups compared to the control group.
However, the treatment with magnetic field + aluminum induced no more damage than the magnetic field and aluminum alone (i.e. no synergistic effect).
In conclusion, both aluminum and extremely low frequency magnetic field could affect memory and pro-oxidative function in mice. However, there was no evidence of any association between extremely low frequency electromagnetic exposure with aluminum loading.


